
Botanical Gene Database with a Delicious Crop

Most of the plants that were planted at Sa Canova were already used for research and species conservation at that time: The finca represents a botanical gene bank for the Balearic Islands. There is space for more than 200 plant species on a good 14 hectares of land, including many old varieties of olives, almonds and oranges.


Each species has its own special characteristics. The fruits mature at different times, they have different care requirements and are resistant to varying degrees to various fungi, pests and diseases. However, the preservation of plant diversity for education and research purposes is not only a hobby, but has been documented in an official contract with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Balearic Islands.

Sa Canova is a living museum that reveals its treasures to its visitors in an unobtrusive and relaxed manner. With all of the senses – from extensive olive groves and lush green meadows, through fresh herbs to the twittering of birds among the carob trees. The finca’s harvest is also processed into genuine delicacies: into gourmet products of the Castell Miquel brand.